Vocal cord surgery is one of the medical procedures performed to overcome various disorders of the vocal cords. Before the vocal cord surgery is performed, the doctor will first make a diagnosis to find out the patient's condition.
Not all vocal cord disorders must be treated with surgery, it can also be through sound therapy, or injections with certain drugs. The type of treatment given will be adjusted to the conditions experienced. Therefore, doctors need to do a careful examination to find out the underlying cause.
Various kinds of vocal cord disorders
The vocal cords function to change the air coming from the lungs into sound. Everyone's voice is different, depending on the size and shape of their respective vocal cords. When there is interference on the vocal cords, your voice will become hoarse and disturbed. In general, vocal cord disorders include:Laryngitis
Laryngitis is inflammation that occurs in the larynx or voice box (voice box) in the throat. This condition is usually characterized by sore throat, cough, fever, hoarseness, or even loss of sound altogether.
Vocal fold nodules
Vocal cord nodules are tissue growths that thicken in the vocal cords due to repeated use of the vocal cords. This condition is commonly experienced by professional singers, so it is often known as singer’s nodules. The risk is increased, especially if you don't use the right sounding technique when singing. If you experience this condition, you will feel pain when talking, your voice will also feel hoarse and heavy.
Vocal cord polyps
Vocal cord polyps are non-cancerous tissue growths that resemble blisters on the vocal cords. Similar to vocal cord nodules, polyps can also arise due to excessive use of the vocal cords, for example due to frequent screaming. Even so, in some cases, one improper use of vocal cords such as screaming while watching a sporting event can also cause vocal cord polyps to grow. Vocal cord polyps also cause hoarseness and heavy sounds.
Paralysis of the vocal cords
This condition occurs when nerve impulses to the larynx are disrupted. As a result, you can experience shortness of breath and the voice will become hoarse. This condition can be caused by several factors, for example a viral infection, nerve damage due to surgery, or due to the influence of cancer.
Types of Vocal Cord Operations
Handling for vocal cord disorders will be adjusted to the cause, and how severe the conditions experienced. Surgery is done as a last resort for treating disorders of the vocal cords. In general, this operation aims to restore the function of the vocal cords so that you can speak and swallow properly. Most vocal cord surgeries are also aimed at treating polyps, nodules, tumors, until the paralysis of the vocal cords. Based on its purpose, vocal cord operations are divided into several types, namely:Microlaryngoscopy
This operative action is carried out microscopically. This procedure makes it easy for action to be done carefully when taking tissue during biopsy, or when having to cut tissue polyps or nodules. That way, the risk of damage to surrounding tissue is minimal.
Bulk injection
The procedure is done by injecting substances, such as collagen, fat, and some special substances, into the vocal cords muscles to restore the function of the weakened vocal cords. This procedure is usually performed by an ENT specialist.
Vocal fold repositioning
This procedure is carried out by removing and repairing the vocal cord network with the main purpose of improving the function of one vocal cords when the other vocal cords are damaged.
Replace nerve damage (reinervation)
In this procedure, the doctor will move the healthy nerves around the neck to replace damaged vocal cord nerves. Usually the vocal cords can function normally about six months after this procedure is performed.
In this procedure, the doctor will place an implant in the larynx to restore the function of the vocal cords. In certain cases, this procedure may require more than one operation.
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